Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Today is going pretty well. I don't think I've posted on this particular blog before, but I guess that's okay. I haven't really been okay lately. I think too much about the past and the wrongs done to me and I find it hard to focus on today and the future. I'm working on that, but it's slow going. I do know that my life is actually pretty good and I only have the one major complaint. I just need to stop thinking so much. How do I do that? How do I stop thinking about the past? Maybe I should stop writing about it, huh? I just feel like writing it out or talking it out will help, but it's been a year already and I'm still messed up. Okay. Let's see. I get out of work soon. It's 3:15 pm. That's nice. I have to pick up my beautiful baby girls after work. That's good, too. They are so cute. Then I go home. My husband is on vacation so he's home when I get there. That's where things go a little fuzzy. It's good for me to have him around, but it's because of him that I'm where I am now. If he had not been unfaithful I would be in a much better place, emotionally. So, when I'm around him, I feel better, for the most part. It's when I'm not around him that I start thinking about all the bad stuff and wondering how he could have done something like this. Okay. Changing the subject. I live in a nice neighborhood. It really is nice. The summer is coming. We can go out to the beach or the park and I will enjoy my babies! I am crocheting again. I love it. And, playing video games! I'm still playing My Japanese Coach on the DS. It's pretty good. Let's see how far I can go! So maybe the writing will help... We'll see...

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