Wednesday, November 18, 2009

He still doesn't understand.

We really got into it yesterday because of all the calls he's been making to a particular number and some voicemails on his phone from girls. When I get angry, he feels like there must be something wrong with me that I'm still angry about this. He doesn't feel he should still have to talk about this...that he has nothing to account for. He gets upset and he walks away. Right now, I hate him.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Ivelyscree: Hey.
Ivelyscree: Who's your new best friend? I bet she loves her new knight in shining armor.
Ivelyscree: Are you with her right now?
Ivelyscree: You shouldn't complain about people treating women on the job like gold when you're perpetuating it yourself.
Ivelyscree: you want to know the main reason I'm angry? I asked you to tell me whenever you work or talk to women on the job and you don't. You're basically lying to me.
Ivelyscree: And it was voluntary. You didn't have to stay. You chose to because you wanted those girls to like you. Do you want to have cyber sex with them?
K-Rod: Can you pick up babies?
Ivelyscree: Yeah
K-Rod: Just got home
K-Rod: Phone almost dead. That's why I had it off for awhile
Ivelyscree: Who's ana lopez?
K-Rod: Roll call
K-Rod: I had to call her cause they said I had no time for vacation
K-Rod: So I told her I took today in time
K-Rod: So I should be good
Ivelyscree: And the girl besides debbie who left a voicemail for you?
Ivelyscree: She sounded really thankful.
K-Rod: She is the person who took the arrest yesterday in our sector so my partner and I could go to training today
Ivelyscree: And that's why you stayed with her the while night through? You talk so much crap about other people treating the women on the job like gold when you do it too.
Ivelyscree: What's the point of staying the whole night?
Ivelyscree: Does she like you now?
Ivelyscree: Are you gonna cybersex with her?
K-Rod: I stayed with my partner at the accident scene to wait for a tow truck while she went to the hospital with the injured prisoner and her partner went to the pct with the other prisoner to start arrest processing
Ivelyscree: She said in the mesage you didn't have to stay. Why didn't you just leave? You volunteered to stay? Is she pretty?
K-Rod: The tow truck took two hours then my partner had to write six accident reports for the six cars that got hit. Then I had to type a vouchers for the car that caused everything that got towed and is in the pct
K-Rod: Our Sgt told them to take it and asked us to help out it was a job in our sector and was supposed to be our arrest but if I would have taken arrest I would not have had time for vacation
Ivelyscree: Did he ASK or did he direct? I think he asked and you could have said no.
K-Rod: The reason why they called me and my partner's wife hasbeen calling me is because his phone got messed up in the rain and he won't get a new one till Wednesday. Everyone called me since he has no phone
Ivelyscree: I know that
K-Rod: If you look at phone bill those numbers never called me prior to last night
Ivelyscree: That girl said she didn't have garcia's number.
Ivelyscree: She sure had yours, though.
Ivelyscree: And you guys have been talking since september
Ivelyscree: New best friend?
Ivelyscree: Do you want to have sex with her?
K-Rod: Cause never gave it to her but he gave them mine to reach him
K-Rod: September?
K-Rod: Not that number
Ivelyscree: Yeah
K-Rod: Nope
K-Rod: Recheck your numbers
Ivelyscree: No sorry
Ivelyscree: That was debbie
K-Rod: Back in Sept Joe left his phone a day or two
K-Rod: So she called my phone to get to him
K-Rod: I don't talk I see Mrs Garcia and give it straight to Joe
Ivelyscree: So you stayed to help because you wanted to?
Ivelyscree: The message she left said you didn't need to stay.
K-Rod: My Sgt asked and my partner talks to her and said the least we can do is help out. She was not even there at pct. She was in jacobi
Ivelyscree: Do the girls volunteer to help you? Probably not
K-Rod: I did not call her back after she left message. My partner said he would since he talks to her
K-Rod: No. My partner and I. Always handle our jobs. Yesterday was the only exception due to the training. If it was not for that we would have done everything ourselves and I would have taken arrest
Ivelyscree: I know that you look at stupid little whores shaking their asses every night and all those stupid foot videos and all the searches you do and that you want to crack that stupid blocker real bad. I don't think you're committed to making this relationship last.
Ivelyscree: I don't really think I'm the girl for you. You say you want me but what you really want is what you're searching for every night.
Ivelyscree: That's why you're always in sch a bad mood. You don't want to be married to me and you don't want to be a father.
K-Rod: Call my partner
K-Rod: Ask him
K-Rod: Please
K-Rod: His number is 1 914 457 9443
K-Rod: I just called him to call you but he suggested you should call him so you won't think I coached him or something
K-Rod: I m in a bad mood cause I get awakened by babies early then hear them all morning
K-Rod: I personally think your talking or are interested in someone now and don't really care for me at this point and you kind hope I am doing something else so you can end it already and persue your new interest
Ivelyscree: That's my line.
K-Rod: Well is it true?
Ivelyscree: No. Its not. When would I have the time? I don't work with men and I'm busy all the time and I don't leave the babies with my parents.
K-Rod: Men are all over that campus and go in your office like Leo did
Ivelyscree: I'm talking about people I could possibly develop a relationship with over tim like you did.
Ivelyscree: I don't have that.
Ivelyscree: You do
Ivelyscree: Time
K-Rod: Work your on your iPod,animal farmland or Facebook all day
K-Rod: You have plenty of time for these things
Ivelyscree: And where do my opportunities for relationship development come into those things?
Ivelyscree: I don't send or receive flirty texts
Ivelyscree: I don't send nearly naked pictures of myself to my coworkers
K-Rod: I stay with the kids ,drop them off,rush to gym rush back and get to work late everyday and work with only Joe come home eat and do it all over again
Ivelyscree: And you hate it, don't you?
K-Rod: What flirty text?
K-Rod: That was almost 2 years ago already
Ivelyscree: The ones you and gigi sent each other that you felt I wold divorce you over even though you swear you guys only talked about work. Ha!
Ivelyscree: So what!
Ivelyscree: Does that make it hurt less for me?
K-Rod: No
K-Rod: But it has not happened since
Ivelyscree: Knowing that you still do all the same things you did before making you exactly the same person who broke my heart into a million pieces?
K-Rod: And is not happening
K-Rod: What same things? I am not texting anybody,calling anybody,flirting with anybody,cybersexing anybody. I can't watch porn
Ivelyscree: Latina booty shake, ebony soles, latina soles, solemarc, youtube, stinky soles...
K-Rod: Not sending pics
Ivelyscree: Every night
Ivelyscree: That's why you sleep on the couch
K-Rod: That's feet not porn
K-Rod: No interaction with anyone.
Ivelyscree: You're waiting for me to fall asleep so you can get your fix of panting after other women
K-Rod: And it is not every night
Ivelyscree: Every night
Ivelyscree: Proof
K-Rod: I am looking at feet
K-Rod: I did not see it last night
Ivelyscree: The equivalent of porn in your case
K-Rod: Or today
Ivelyscree: Yeah cause you didn't have access. That's pretty much the only thing that stops you
K-Rod: Nothing is stopping me now
K-Rod: Or before
Ivelyscree: And what about trying to crack the filter?
K-Rod: Have not done that in a long time. Sometimes it comes up for certain youtube feet things. Don't know why buy I always click go back
Ivelyscree: I hope you've gone to sleep. I know you've been up for more than 24 hours now and I do appreciate you talking with me. I really do care about you and I do love you. I just don't think its going to be enough. Each day like this I lose faith in our ability to pull this off. I always thought we were meant for each other but I don't really think so any more. I really do think you need someone more like gigi. Someone who will use you up and spit you out and lead you on. I can't be that person. I'm not a whore. You want some who'll dance for you like those girls in your videos. Can't do that. Sorry. I though I was special to you. I see that I am not. You can get what I have on the internet. You don't need me.
Ivelyscree: And the stuff I give that you can't get on the internet, you don't even realize you have.
K-Rod: I know my stupid actions created this situation and if it means anything I don't think this girl is attractive at all and I am sorry my partner have out my number and I had training today. I really wanted to make things work and have been trying to be a Better person to and for you and this whole thing messed that up but if it means anything nothing is going on and I do love you
K-Rod: Was taking a bath
Ivelyscree: Ok
K-Rod: So are you done with me? Or are we still going to try to work things out?
Ivelyscree: We are still working.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Took ively to the doctor today for her 12 month shots. She got the flu shot, MMR, and hip? Hep? Not sure about that last one.

Locked the keys in the car this morning when I stopped to get gas. Had to call kenny to bring the key. Why did it take him 40 minutes when we only live 5 minutes away? I was so pissed. Plus, I felt so stupid for locking the keys in anyway. What a way to start the day. Ugh! I hope tomorrow is better.

Testing to see if I can figure out this mobile blogging thing.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Today is going pretty well. I don't think I've posted on this particular blog before, but I guess that's okay. I haven't really been okay lately. I think too much about the past and the wrongs done to me and I find it hard to focus on today and the future. I'm working on that, but it's slow going. I do know that my life is actually pretty good and I only have the one major complaint. I just need to stop thinking so much. How do I do that? How do I stop thinking about the past? Maybe I should stop writing about it, huh? I just feel like writing it out or talking it out will help, but it's been a year already and I'm still messed up. Okay. Let's see. I get out of work soon. It's 3:15 pm. That's nice. I have to pick up my beautiful baby girls after work. That's good, too. They are so cute. Then I go home. My husband is on vacation so he's home when I get there. That's where things go a little fuzzy. It's good for me to have him around, but it's because of him that I'm where I am now. If he had not been unfaithful I would be in a much better place, emotionally. So, when I'm around him, I feel better, for the most part. It's when I'm not around him that I start thinking about all the bad stuff and wondering how he could have done something like this. Okay. Changing the subject. I live in a nice neighborhood. It really is nice. The summer is coming. We can go out to the beach or the park and I will enjoy my babies! I am crocheting again. I love it. And, playing video games! I'm still playing My Japanese Coach on the DS. It's pretty good. Let's see how far I can go! So maybe the writing will help... We'll see...